Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Sound Analysis: Apocolypse Now

Diegetic Sound (00:00-00:15)
Diegetic Sound is used at the beginning of this scene as the propellers on the helicopter make a distintive chopping sound and the helicopters are in clear shot of the scene. This helps the audience be aware of the setting of the scene as well as what is happening; that the soldiers are boarding the helicopter and will soon take flight. The sound of the properllers also adds a sense of three dimension to the audience thus adding more realism to the scene.

Parallel Sound and Non-Diegetic sound (03:50-04:00)
Patriotic and victorious music is used in the part of the film to show that the soldiers are ready to fight and drop bombs and do their mission which they have been set out to complete. It also ties in with the happy emotions of one helicopter pilot who smiles; this parallel in music and emotions portrays to the audience that the character's emotions are high and are content at what they are about to do. Interestingly, this can also be considered as non-diegetic sound as the background music is clearly not playing whilst the soldiers are fighting and has been edited in later; it helps emit the mood of the character.

Sound bridges (13:36-13:40)
A sound bridge is clear hear when the radio style voice from an army jet is set into the previous sequence on ground before transitioning. This alerts the audience that the scene is about to change; also the audio can be continuous and is not abruptly interrupted by an unexpected change in scene.

Contrapuntal Sound (08:00-08:30)
Contrapuntal sound is used here when the soldiers are landing into attack. However the music is an orchestral piece and is more empowering/cheerful piece. Conclusively, this is contrapuntal as the music should not fit particularly with the scene itself as the soldiers are going into what will be a bloody battle (thus not being a positive thing). 

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